The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39719   Message #568679
Posted By: Clairez
09-Oct-01 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Performance Fatigue
Subject: RE: Performance Fatigue
It was really interesting to read this thread because I happen to be in performance fatique mode after a weekend festival. I have yet to see my coment mentioned, so here goes.... COFFEE.

This is why coffee was invented as far as I am concerned. I have found there is nothing like coffee 1/2 hour before a show to ensure that you actually remember all those pesky words. This is especially true if you have been jamming all day and have to perform your 1/2 hour claim to fame at a festival at 3 in the afternoon. It is also imperative if you work all day, come home be a mom, and then go do the bar gig at 8 pm. Of course, I also drink lots of water, and try to get regular excercise, rest etc.... but being a working mom, that doesn't always work out. However, coffee does the trick when Ineed it.

I am also a contra dance caller, and recently began to sit down while calling so that I could play bodhran at the same time. Once I got over the two-sides of the brain problem, I found that sitting greatly increased my endurance, and drumming keeps my attention sharpened on the dancers. Does any one else out there call and play an instrument at the same time and have you found this to be true for you?

One last thing. I think the fatigue level after a gig goes down as you get more skilled and more relaxed at performing. For me, this has been most noticeable at gigs that I do regularly (1/month or more). The problem is that the excitement and adrenaline before the gig can also be reduced if it gets too familiar. Then I can get sloppy, or just not sharp enough to perform well. When that happens.... you guessed it....I have a cup of coffee.
