The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39925   Message #568738
Posted By: SeanM
10-Oct-01 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Subject: RE: Paying to audition - is this normal?
I don't see the connection between paying for an audition and paying to advertise, to be honest. Paying to advertise IS part of the game - but it's a part that results in benefit to you, the band. Paying just to audition is being asked to surrender money without ever being certain you're going to get something in return. Last time I checked, that was called "gambling", not "musicianship".

As to paying the door fee - for me, it would depend on the event. I've worked an event where they charged us all the door fee - then demanded that we not mingle with the crowd afterwards, just head back to the green room until the next show. We raised a stink about it. If I'm paying the gate fee to be at a show, I'm damned well going to enjoy the benefits that the rest of the paying customers get.

I guess it comes down to how desperate you are. So far, I've managed to find enough places where at the most I was volunteering (though the Renaissance Faires I work at eat up a huge budget, that's from paying inflated camping fees and costumes), and usually getting at least a pittance (food, drinks, or money if it's a really nice gig) in return for my performance. Then again, I'm also not burning to be the next Doc, or the next Brittney Spears, or the next what have you - I'm happy to work in relative obscurity, as long as I perform and don't have to deal with too many indignities in doing so.