The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39940   Message #568954
Posted By: mousethief
10-Oct-01 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: The Song Stuck in Your Head, Science
Subject: RE: The Song Stuck in Your Head, Science
I once had "Good vibrations" by the Beach Boys stuck in my head for months. I was in 6th grade. Drove me nuts. Now I can listen to it and hum along, but the next day it won't be stuck (thank heavens!).

I have that book Why God Won't Go Away but haven't started reading it -- maybe I will once I'm finished with current book (The Russian Revolution by Alan Moorehead).

Thread creep: Does anybody else fixate on a word? I'll get one word stuck in my head so that I try (subconsciously) to stick it into as many sentences as I can. It's usually some bizarre ten-cent word like "abstruse" or such. But not always -- sometimes it will be quite simple. Recently I had the number 17 stuck in my head -- not that I thought about it all the time, but whenever I needed a random number, that was the one I used (e.g. "I've heard you complain about this 17 times already!"). Anybody else do this?
