The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39925   Message #569067
Posted By: GUEST,JohnB
10-Oct-01 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Subject: RE: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Any artist/craft type people around have to go through the same process to get into a "Juried" art show. It is a "subjective" way of sorting the wheat from the chaff. The public who then go to the show are then assured of a certain level of quality. You, as an artist at the show can claim a level of expertise, in that you were accepted for the show. This means that you can probably charge more for your product, with the people attendind these shows probably being more inclined to spend money. I was trying to make my living this way a few years ago and paid my $35 Can. to hopefuly get into this one particular wholesale show. I was accepted, I then had to pay my booth fee, another fee for an electrical hook up, I did get free parking though and did not have to pay to get in. I then had the opportunity to display my work, which was well received and I took almost 5K in orders. So would I pay for an audition, in this case remembering 1) this is a totally subjective process, you are at he whim of whoever the judge is. 2) am I going to make a hell of a lot more money out of this opportunity. 3) Will my acceptance mean more prestige/ ability to charge more for my product (in this case music) 4) Is it going to present me to a receptive audience who might want to Book me or buy my CD's. In this case, I doubt that you are really getting more than any freebie anywhere in the world could get you. Sorry, I don't normally ramble this much in the written word. JohnB