The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39945   Message #569396
Posted By: Donuel
10-Oct-01 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Anti-war songs to fit the occasion
Subject: RE: Anti-war songs to fit the occasion
The terrorist attack is a declaration of a fight to the death. Appeasment would preclude any and all US influence in the region. WE WANT THE OIL. THEY WANT ALL JEWS AND THEIR ALLIES DEAD. To give up Isreal will not occur without a nuclear war.

But my main point is everyone has a different unstated agenda than the one they proclaim to the world. bin Laden hopes to inherit the house of Saudi Arabia. But that is all between the lines.

For those able to read far enough here is a government document that outlines the importance of oil and natural gas in middle Asia and how a stable Afghanistan is needed to build a pipline to the sea.

If any songs are to come from this conflict, mention of the oil and the oil barons in charge of the war would be in order.