The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39975   Message #569483
Posted By: GUEST,
10-Oct-01 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: Bush El Jefe
Subject: RE: Bush El Jefe
I would like to see him turn his bully pulpit toward America. Much of what others country decry in us is unfortunately true..the pornography, drug use, promiscuity etc. And I am starting to find out how widespread sexual abuse of children seems to be in my corner of the world. I would like him/them to say, we are going to find you, we are going to remove you from your homes and we are going to put you where you cannot harm anyone. If your wife/husband cannot meet your needs, terminate the relationship and find other adult companionship. If that does not satisfy you, turn yourself into the nearest jail and we will protect you from your impulses. If your religion will not allow you to divorce someone under these circumstances, terminate your religious affiliation. And then we are going to turn our attention on those who harbor you...and fail to report your suspected activities, and who say "oh but I love him/her," ....teachers and doctors who fail to report, social workers who do not get the person out of the home, lawmakers who fail to write sufficient laws.... mg