The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39925   Message #569528
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Oct-01 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Subject: RE: Paying to audition - is this normal?
I was such a sap way back when I was maybe 22 or 23. This outfit in Toronto advertised as an agency that would help get gigs for local musicians. All you had to do was register with them, and describe the type of music you played (folk, rock, blues, klezmer, etc.). There were about 185,000 young musicians looking for a gig in Toronto at the time, so these guys hit a nerve. Registering cost...I don't remember...$20...$30...something like that. They registered hundreds and hundreds of musicians and bands, including me. Hell, they may have registered thousands, for all I know.

Did anyone get a gig? I don't know. Possibly a mere handful did, in order to provide a shred of legitimacy to this lousy scam. I know I didn't. I never even got a phone call. Nor did some friends of mine who were as gullible as me.

Scams are aimed at the hopeful and inexperienced. We live and learn.

Hesperis - Vinnie is NOT loose! Matter of fact, he's tight most of the's his women who are loose. Sorry, I mispelled Rombos...I thought it hads an apostrophes, buts I shoulds haves noticeds thats the owners is a Greek! And so Rombos ends in "S" with no apostrophes. By gollies I won't makes that mistakes again!

- LH