The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39925   Message #569550
Posted By: Marion
11-Oct-01 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Subject: RE: Paying to audition - is this normal?
Here's another example of an "audition fee" that seems more acceptable. To apply to the music therapy program at a university, you have to fill out an application form which includes "essay questions", do an interview, and perform an audition. And there is a fee to apply - I think around $50 is typical for universities.

Does this example seem unreasonable to you? It seems more reasonable to me, because the universities have to do the work of evaluating the application forms, conducting the interviews, and listening to the auditions.

Also, I think the cost of applying (the fee, and the bother involved in writing essays and arranging interview and audition) would serve to narrow down the number of applications, and that this could be in the university's interests. Only people who have a certain level of confidence in their skills and who think that they will probably enroll if accepted will be willing to go to the expense and trouble of applying - and it's in the university's interests to only have to process serious applications.
