The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40004   Message #569833
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Oct-01 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does FSGW stand for?
Subject: RE: BS: What does FSGW stand for?
AW fer chrissake, how much of this shit do we have to put up with!

I'm surprised GUEST hasn't shown up to chide us about posting to a BS thread...this one being a spectacular example of utter and absolute BS if I've ever seen one.

Spaw...correction..."fate reared ITS head"...not "it's head". "It's" means "it is". Okay? Please try not to make this mistake again. Pedants are watching.

You made some other egregious errors too...(dontcha love that word?)...but I'm too kind to point them out at this time.

Reg, in fact, is an idiot. Reg, however, could better be characterized as eccentric, but not truly idiotic. As for REG, well, he's just a complete goof!

- LH