The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39852   Message #570160
Posted By: Amos
11-Oct-01 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Extremism's theological roots
Subject: RE: Extremism's theological roots
The issues center around postulated reality structures AND experienced reality structures. For any particular scope of being, there is a range within which these two sets intersect. Some poeple have to burn themselves on purpose to experience it, other snotice that their lives seem to swing around their own decisions and still others notice that all perception is, at some level, a self-fulfilling postulate. This seems to hold true up to and including the postulated reality that matter in space is the sole province of reality; if you can postulate such a world view energetically enough, nothing else will show up.

Confusing what one has experienced with what is universally True is a Gordian knot. "You have to believe what you have experienced" is the keystone. As long as people cling to this premise, religion will continue to be a great divider between souls instead of the great unifier or integrator.

Explore the possibility, for a little while, that the operational principle is actually "You have to experience what you actually believe" and see if it eases the terrible tensions of separatism. It certainly offers the possibility of redesigning experience. It also places faith at its own center, which is not a bad place for it.

That seems to be the working principle on the Wilderness Trail, where I worship.
