The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40046   Message #570765
Posted By: Pseudolus
12-Oct-01 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: Secret Santa....OK, now who's in?!?!?!?!
Subject: Secret Santa....OK, now who's in?!?!?!?!
OK folks, looks like the Secret Santa thing is a go!! First a brief description of what is going on. I will collect all of the names and addresses of the folks that would like to participate. I will give them to my wife who has graciously offered to mix the names in a hat and draw them to sign each person up with a secret Santa. This way, I won't know who my SS is! She will then join Mudcat (Yay!!!) and PM everyone (email if you prefer) with the person that they are the Secret Santa for including address etc. Clinton will set up a hints thread so that we can all go out there and shamelessly ask for stuff!

So here are the rules......

PM Pseudolus with your real name, email address, and mailing address by 10/19 at the latest. If someone feels that we need more time let me know.

Visit the hints thread to see what interests everyone has. It'll make shopping a lot easier!!

Try to stay in and around $20 (U.S.) unless of course you have me, then go as high as you want!! LOL!!!

Teasing someone in the hints thread will be encouraged, in other words logging in as "GUEST, Pseudolus' Secret Santa" would be fun and also helpful if you have questions.

We should have a date that we attempt to get the gifts delivered by but since we are global, I'll leave that open to suggestion in this thread.

Clinton, if I missed anything, please feel free to add!!

Any Questions???? PseudoClaus