The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39852   Message #570865
Posted By: Bill D
12-Oct-01 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: Extremism's theological roots
Subject: RE: Extremism's theological roots
and, from the man whose book I was touting in my original post:----

"Why then does one want truth? Above all we want to triumph over falsehood and deception. What is most humiliating about custom and convention is that they appear inseparable from ignorance, misinformation, and hypocrisy. To have to accept a whole world of beliefs, forced on us by our environment, without the chance to choose or build our own world of beliefs would mean a thousandfold frustration even if all that is forced on us were based on painstaking research. But soon we find that people lie to us complacently, whether they know the facts or have not bothered to determine them. The power that constrains our freedom is seen to be arbitrary and indifferent, a slothful despotism of surpassing cynicism. Every truth we discover makes this tyranny unsafe and is a blow for freedom, and the more our previous so-called knowledge it affects, the better!"

Walter Kaufmann Critique of Philosophy and Religion