The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40004   Message #570890
12-Oct-01 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does FSGW stand for?
Subject: RE: BS: What does FSGW stand for?
Hey thair Rory. I doan no fer sertin whut a patoot iz but itz wunna them thangs thet Catspaw callz me evry now an agin wen thairz cumpny er out in publik. He sez Ima horses patoot an sinz he genroly callz me a jackass an a lot uv other thangs I figger it mus be an ass ur a butt ur sumpin uv thet sort.

Me an Paw an the Reg boyz ar awful glad ta wellcum yall ta tha Mudcat. Nun uv ussenz ar members cuz Catspaw woant allow uz ta git no cookie cuz he sez thettid be sorta like givin the Pope a condom so I jest log on az a gest. Weer still rite proud ta hav ya amongst uz.