The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40042   Message #571030
Posted By: Donuel
12-Oct-01 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anthrax in NYC
Subject: RE: BS: Anthrax in NYC
I have written of bio warfare for 5 years. The episodes today are for media based terror and not an attack. It is not an attack. All the precautions mentioned here are valuable but there is no need to lose any sleep about the letter campaign sent to news groups.

Marsburg is another matter and would involve making decisions few people here could even imagine. That weapon however is akin to using our entire nuclear arsenal (not in destruction but in terms of political and biological armeggedon.)

If we view the "chessgame" so far the US has taken the bait and lost her queen by reacting precisely as bin Laden could predict. This is not to say that a sucessful endgame is possible but it is going to be difficult.

Face it folks America is held hostage and if we do not pay the ransom it could get very nasty. If we do pay the ransom (Reagan did 2 times) it is only a prelude to generational blackmail.

Yes we gave Saddam anthrax to use on Syria. The general involved is by no surprise heading up the corrupt anthrax vaccine company today. If we should be so fortunate as to learn the lesson that making friends with the same guy who stabs you in the back a month later IS A BIG MISTAKE it would greatly help the future of the world.