The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40063   Message #571110
Posted By: SeanM
13-Oct-01 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Govt and People in Chaos
Subject: RE: BS: US Govt and People in Chaos
Among those friends of mine who oppose the 'war', there's considerable concern that the 'war' will be used as a pretext for more restrictions upon the personal liberties that we've grown used to. Given, some of what's been acted upon was needed - personally, I think that the idea of having to obtain a separate search warrant to tap each and every phone or other form of communication that a suspect uses is absurd. If you've got enough evidence to tap ONE form of communication, and they ALL are held to the same standard...

But by the same token, there's always a concern that liberties will be trampled for no other reason than "it is needed", without any reason as to why. Normally, these transgressions are soon rectified - the internment of those with Japanese ancestry during WWII as an example. However, we've a government that's dangerously close to being in the pocket of corporate interests with no particular love for the liberties of the populace when it interferes with their profits. It's this kind of thing I worry about. In the beating of the drums of battle, most (if not all) other issues are lost - online privacy, interbusiness 'opt out' information sharing, that sort of thing. That's not even counting the occasional radical George Will rant about how we need to be bound and gagged with a National Guard rifle to each and every citizens' head in case we think subversive thoughts (OK, that's an exaggeration. But lately, it doesn't seem like much of one).

In times of trouble, the government has unprecedented power to push through agendas that in more peaceful times would be shot down instantly. This I worry about. As should any American - our government isn't to be trusted, and just because we're blowing the bejeebers out of an 'enemy' doesn't mean that it's time to trust them.

THIS coming from a liberal... sheesh...