The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40063   Message #571271
Posted By: GUEST,just a nobody
13-Oct-01 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Govt and People in Chaos
Subject: RE: BS: US Govt and People in Chaos
Am I more frightened now than before, certainly. I have a very hard time looking at national guardsmen and thinking of Kent State. Having them augment airport security is completely different from what happened at Kent State. Personally I think it is a good thing they are there. Will it stop terrorists, some but not all. I don't think we will ever have an end of terrorism, there are always those that will figure out a way, or try often enough to get one to slip by.

I hear alot of people talk about how our civil liberties can be stripped so easily. Do you think this is new? The government has the right, in a state of emergency (war), to deny certain rights. This has been a rule for a long time. It is not new, I believe it was even done during the civil war, and during the World Wars. So, why should anyone be suprised that some liberties will be affected? It is not like Bush is making crap up as he goes along.