The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40080   Message #571341
Posted By: Wotcha
13-Oct-01 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bring Back the Breaker
Subject: Bring Back the Breaker
Just stumbled across a site that should interest our Antipodean Catters and expats.

Click here
This links you to the words for "Bring Back the Breaker." The remains of Lieut. Morant and Lieut.Handcock were flown back to Australia in February this year, 99 years after their executions and burial in South Africa.

The site has a nice rendition of The Last Post and The Ode (which I was looking for as a screen saver for current events).


Link fixed. You simply forgot to type anything in the space where “Click Here” normally goes, so I typed it for you. --JoeClone, 8-Jan-02.