The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9006   Message #57154
Posted By: catspaw49
04-Feb-99 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: A Mudcat Sampler CD?
Subject: RE: A Mudcat Sampler CD?
You know, you really have a point. Dan, Art, Rick, Frank, Sandy and others...but I'll tell you what I'd really love... ... ...I'd like to hear a song from Alice, a favorite tune from Bill D., and Big Mick, and Roger, and Alison, and gargoyle, and McMusic, and Barbara, and Duane's pianolin, and Barb Shaw's bluegrass, and on and on. Something special from each 'Catter. Bill's posting pics, but a voice and a song...that's the ticket too.

I've absolutely no idea how that could ever be pulled off! But we've talked to Helen in Oz, seen her picture...wouldn't it be great to hear a little harp too? Especially for us folks half a world away. Personally, I wouldn't even care how great the recording quality was. It would just be fun to have wouldn't it??? From an Irish pub to a Mississippi delta, from a Blue Grass gathering to Brisbane, from Oz to the Appalachians...clear around the world. What a kick!!!
