The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40079   Message #571627
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
14-Oct-01 - 02:28 AM
Thread Name: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
Subject: RE: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
Guest - you Love being a fly in the ointment! In real life? Maybe. You alluded to fame - doubt it. In this forum's reality you are quite likeable as you always have a differing perspective that makes me think. Sometimes your causticity makes me wonder what happened to sour you so on life. The other side of me agrees with you personally- I don't think I would want to meet you in real life.

Here I can take or leave you and you me. I support your assertion that for you it means nothing to meet someone from cyber world. Were it not for cyberworld I'd not have my lovely wife and partner so it seems to work for me and most of those who have tried it.

But it isn't something I'd buy a ticket for on purpose - but I am ready to meet anyone who is looking for music and friendship. Like Chip says - Nuff said
