The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40079   Message #572129
Posted By: GUEST
14-Oct-01 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
Subject: RE: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
Norton 1,

I've had lots of people stay at my home too.

I've had thousands of acquaintances over the years too. But I wouldn't say most were very important, though some have been.

But I've had very few close, intimate friends and this is the way I like to keep it.

If an Internet acquaintance were to become a 3D friend, that would be fine. But I'm not interested in seeking out and meeting people on-line. Like I said, I'm happy with the anonymous conversations with strangers, just as I am with anonymous conversations with strangers in 3D life. I have them all the time.

I also frequent (I wouldn't say I'm a regular) several discussion forums (not just about music), and while this one can be informative, it just doesn't ring my chimes as far as the personalities go. In fact, I find more often than not the personalities of many Mudcat regulars annoy the living beejeebees out of me for getting in the way of perfectly good conversations among strangers about music.

I either enjoy my time here and hang around, or if things are annoying me I don't visit, sometimes for very long periods of time. I have a pretty busy and active life, and so don't feel any need to connect with people I encounter on-line. Like I said earlier, its the emotional and physical distance between you and me that I find appealing about this medium. I have contact with hundreds of people a day--I don't really need anymore stimulation than that, thanks.