The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40193   Message #573687
Posted By: Jeanie
16-Oct-01 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: A beg for a prayer
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
Dear Sabine - My father, too, died suddenly, after illness, in July, so I know just what your thoughts and prayers are right now. I saw him just minutes after he had died, and it was so clear that he had already gone to another, better place, and into safe hands. My candle is lit, and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family tonight and for the times ahead. I'll be thinking of you all especially on Friday. Wenn Du lieber auf Deutsch schreiben moechtest, dann bitte schick mir eine private Mitteiling durch Mudcat. Ich bin da. Jeanie