The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40193   Message #573923
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
16-Oct-01 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: A beg for a prayer
Subject: RE: BS: A beg for a prayer
I lost my Father, 3 years ago. He died, sitting in his recliner, cracking jokes to make the nurses relax, while they were waiting for an ambulance to come and get him. He truly died laughing. After that, everything was a blur for a few days. You must be going through all of that now. My wife and I lift up prayers together, every morning and every evening. We will add you and all of your family. I've seen the power of prayer. We hope all fo these prayers will bring you comfort, and that you will find your way to rejoice over who your Father was. It sounds like he was a fine man..