The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40046   Message #574176
Posted By: Pseudolus
17-Oct-01 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: Secret Santa....OK, now who's in?!?!?!?!
Subject: RE: Secret Santa....OK, now who's in?!?!?!?!
OK folks, here's the scoop. If you would like to stay on your own side of the pond send a PM to KarenB (my wife!). If that is the case she will make sure that the person you are sending to will be close, well, in the same country at least. The rest will be drawn totally random. I think it might be fun to have someone outside the US so I personally will take my chances but I totally understand if someone wants to "stay local".

So, my wife will be drawing names this weekend and you should know who you are shopping for by the end of the day (PseudoClaus time) on Sunday.......


P.S. If you know anyone who wanted to be in but hasn't PM'd yet, tell him or her to hurry!!