The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40103   Message #574670
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Oct-01 - 01:32 AM
Thread Name: Story: Follow The Drinking Gourd II
Subject: RE: Story:Follow The Drinking Gourd II
So that's how great-great grandma 'Lizbeth got started on that journey, Maddie thought to herself. Here it was over 100 years later, it was her 19th birthday and her mam had given her Great-great Grammie Elizabeth's handwritten journal. It was bound in some kind of leather dyed dark blue, with marbled edged pages. The handwriting was a fine, bold script, easily read once one got the hang of it. There was a bright yellow ribbon and bow tied around it.

"You mind this well, child. It's the beginning of our family history, starting with the great bravery of your great-great Gramdmother Elizabeth and how she helped save the lives of many slaves just before and during the Civil War. It was passed down to the oldest daughter of each generation, on their 19th birthday and we've all been good caretakers of this precious relic as I know you will."

"Oh, why, Mama, thank you! I've heard you tell little bits here and there and I've always wanted to know more about her! I promise I will treasure it forever, until my first born daughter reaches her 19th!"

Mama waved her hand at her as though to dismiss the thought of ever having grandchildren of her own. "Well, honey, when you read it, you will understand more why I say you remind me so much of her. Even though I never knew her, you will see she was quite a gal and even though it is hard to read of some of the terror and woe she and the others went through, it will make you proud to know her blood runs through your veins. Now, Happy Birthday and good night, dear child."

With that, Maddie climbed into bed, propped up the pillows and began to read of the night the Widow Elizabeth lost everything and wound up running through the woods, one step ahead of the bounty hunters.