The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40239   Message #575352
Posted By: BlueJay
19-Oct-01 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: What has happened to Mudcat?
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
Y'know I really don't see much change in the Mudcat from when I joined a few years ago. As a part-timer, I haven't really measured anything. I wasn't around during the early Mudcat years, and maybe "Guest liked the old Mudcat" has been around longer than me. Maybe he has the time to analyze this shit. Don't know, 'cause he won't identify himself. Oh well, he seems to be gone.

When I joined, the music versus non-music threads was not much different than it is today, IMO. We were telling jokes, discussing politics, and arguing about music/non-music threads and flamers just like today. But the Musical questions got answered back then, and if you look, they are also getting answered today.

I've gotten to know a lot of folks here, both online and in person. It has been truly inspiring, and the non-music threads are an important piece of the Mudcat puzzle. Remember when Lonesome EJ's and Rex's homes were simultaneously threatened by forest fires? Or the threads on 'Spaws surgeries, and his other trials from bicycles to his wife's health problems? Etc. Etc. We need all of this. I would not omit a single thread posted on the Mudcat today. (But I might delete some of my responses):

Farewell Guest. I expect when you check back in next year you will find a similar situation. Maybe by then you will appreciate the Mudcat for what it is, and see it's true value. BlueJay