The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40319   Message #576157
Posted By: BlueJay
20-Oct-01 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: tuning a guitar by ear
Subject: RE: tuning a guitar by ear
Our challenge is not getting in tune to begin with, but staying in tune with each other through a set. This is made more difficult by David's propensity to change tunings on his 12 string after every three or four songs, as well as the fact that Annie's flute tends to change pitch as it warms up while playing, and cools down between sets. We gave up on tuners, and just go with what sounds right.

I will turn fifty in a couple of months, and I've noticed it's harder to tune now than when I was twenty or thirty. I find the lower frequencies are harder, (I'm usually playing bass now). That's weird, because I learned that the higher frequencies were the first to go in age-related hearing loss. Mind you, I hear fine. I would get myself to an audioloigist if I thought otherwise. It just seems harder to tune the lower notes than it used to be. Maybe it's just that I'm fairly new at bass playing. Thanks, BlueJay