The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40079   Message #576244
Posted By: Whitedog
20-Oct-01 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
Subject: RE: Is meeting Mudcatters important to you?
I like to think of this forum as a Mutual Friend society, that it's a wonderful place to come and ask for help, but then you don't have to feel "obligated" to the ones that respond. It's not that I'm anti-social at all, but that I do well just to try and halfway keep up with my friends in my own little area. I'm a breast cancer survivor, have my times with depression (runs in family, not because of the breast cancer.), survived years of the black cloud of being At Risk for Huntington's disease (that was sheer mental torture, but I got the good news in 1997 when I took the test and found I was NEGATIVE for the gene), survived a motorcycle wreck, etc. Well, you get the picture!! I've been to various "support " groups and they served a wonderful purpose of being what I needed at that time. That's how I feel about this Mudcat forum. I feel it's a place I can come, in good times or bad times, but especially when I have some questions and needs that I would like to have an input on. It's not necessary that I meet you, and in fact think you would find me rather boring and a disappointment if you met me! Sometimes the dream or fantasy of things are better than reality. Having said all that, anyone would be more than welcome to my humble abode...if you can put up with my "grouchy" husband! HA He's a good fellow, just a born pessimist that even I can't convince to be happy. Our two married sons are just fine...they take after MOM! double HA. And yes, I still sign my name. Judy Malone