The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #792   Message #57629
Posted By: Philippa
08-Feb-99 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Ny Kirree Fo Niaghtey / Sheep are Neath..
Subject: RE: Gaelic:Kirree fo Niaghtey-English Lyrics
I've got the current address for Folktrax Cassettes, an extensive collection of field recordings including 007 "Songs in Manx Gaelic" (C60 cassette œ7.60, plus 5% inland,10% overseas for post and packing). Ny Kirree fo Niaghtey is on this cassette. AllFolktrax tapes include information sheets. A Bespoke CD service is also available. Send a stamp or International Reply Coupon for catalogue to: Folktrax Cassettes, Heritage House, 16 Brunswick Square, Gloucester GL1 1UG
For specific queries e-mail: OR phone +44 - (0)1452-415110/(0)1452-503643