The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40049   Message #576531
Posted By: Helen
20-Oct-01 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
Subject: RE: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
I got inspired to make a list of all the Nevil Shute books I now have, so now I know that I am only missing about 4.

I stocked up earlier this year on the Out of Print secondhand dealers database in Barnes & Noble's site. I was looking for Slide Rule, his autobiography, but also bought about 10 other titles and they came from U.S.A., Britain & Canada out here to Oz. Ain't technology wonderful!?

It's funny that an American friend of mine, who lived here for a few years, was the one who started me reading NS in earnest. She said he was under appreciated as an author over here. He decided to live in Australia, but was born British.
