The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40307   Message #576533
Posted By: Peg
20-Oct-01 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: Can anyone help.
Subject: RE: Can anyone help.
I am sorry to hear about your wife's illness.

If it helps you, I have two friends (alive and well and cencer-free) who were each diagnosed with "inoperable" forms of cancer; one had stomach cancer and one had brain cancer. But they are now cured. I daresay their ability to think positively and maintain hope they would get better helped them find health again. They are also pagan and their connection the earth gave them great strength. I believe it has been documented that some form of spiritual faith helps in these times. I know I have seen very sick people gain their complete health back after some witches performed healing magic for them; and of course some studies have shown that prayer (similar to magic actually) also helps people heal.

Cancer is scary. Allow yourself to feel this fear as you need to, know but also know people beat this disease every day! Your wife may be one of the fortunate ones who manages to leave it behind.

Best wishes and stay positive!