The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #57747
Posted By: Don Meixner
09-Feb-99 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............?
Don't you just hate it when.. My Grandmother was heard to say " Why yes, Donnie plays guitar, of course he can only play chords."

DYJHIW.... I've heard you play before, I came to hear.."fill in the blank"

DYJHIW.... You and the band drive 125 miles and show up for the wedding and there is another band set up in your place and the bride says, my mother hired a different band, she was sure you would send your money to the IRA, you understand don't you?

DYJHIW.... You agree to do a freebie for a good cause and you learn you are to warm up for the church organist.

All the above are true.

Don Meixner