The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40049   Message #577683
Posted By: SharonA
22-Oct-01 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
Subject: RE: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
Don't worry, Noreen; I'm posting my hints at a "laster" minute than you. Here's hoping my Secret Santa hasn't already rushed out and mailed my present! I already have more stuff than will fit in my apartment, so I'll try to restrict my hints to things I don't have at all or wouldn't mind squeezing in just one more of, rather than list all my interests:

1. What is your age range? 45... and a half. But who's counting?

2. Gender? F (for Female AND for Fat: I dangle everywhere!)

3. Do you have a favorite color? I like the color range that extends from turquoise through blue, indigo and purple to maroon – in dark but vibrant shades – plus black.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Lots!!! For what I'd like for my "library", see #5 below.

5. What books have you really been wanting? Art books (pictures of paintings plus biography/commentary): John Singer Sargent; Klimt; Winslow Homer.
Biography: The new David McCullough bio, "John Adams".
Light reading: Brian Jacques, "Castaways of the Flying Dutchman"; "Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales"; "The Great Redwall Feast"; "A Redwall Winter's Tale". Also, just about anything by Orson Scott Card (except "Songmaster" and "Sarah").
Instructional music books: Nelson Riddle arrangements transposed for guitar; how to play jazz chords and progressions on guitar.

6-7. What type of music do you like/ what CDs have you really been wanting? I don't need/want any more CD's in particular at the moment; usually I pick up a CD when it contains songs I want to learn to play.

8. What VHS movies have you been wanting? "Cats & Dogs"; the new "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" DVD if it's in the price range; Brian Jacques's "Redwall" and "Mattimeo" if available on VHS; "Shrek" if it's out on video in time for Christmas.

9. What is your T-shirt size? XL (T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweater). I like designs with cats, and also Christmas and winter themes.

10. Do you collect anything? Now THERE'S a loaded question. Again, this is by no means a complete list of interests, but I'd like some addition to one of my collections of...
CATS of all kinds, in all media (except alive, since I have my hands full with the one I've got) – the cuter, the better!
Stuffed animals (except monkeys, gorillas, chimps or orangutans) – again, the cuter, the better!
Wind-up toys and music boxes (modern or older).
Cherished Teddies figurines, and other animal figurines (except monkeys, gorillas, chimps or orangutans... sorry, they're just kinda creepy to me!) (I like red pandas, though, which are actually primates... go figure).
Fantasy illustrations by James Browne or Real Musgrave.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? I do have some other hobbies but I have all the equipment I need to enjoy those. Hmmm... I could do with a good slide whistle... and someone mentioned an instrument called a musical frog in the "Playing the Noseflute" thread recently and I don't have one of those! (Come to think of it, I don't have a noseflute, either.)

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Both are fine. I don't wear much jewelry when I wear any at all. I prefer smaller, more delicate jewelry to heavier pieces. I do not have pierced ears, or any other pierced body part. Favorite stone: opal. Novelty jewelry such as a cat pin or a cat necklace would be nice.

13. Anything else you feel is important? I guess this is the place to talk about "no-no" items...
Because I have digestive problems and consequent dietary restrictions, PLEASE DO NOT consider sending me any gifts of food, coffee, tea or anything else edible.
Because I also have a respiratory condition, PLEASE DO NOT consider any gifts such as candles, aromatherapy, incense, perfumes or colognes for me.
I'm not fond of dolls or of figurines of people (such as Precious Moments or Hummel); I'd rather look at real people! Also, I'm not crazy about fantasy figurines like wizards, but I like dragons.

Guess that's about it. Happy hunting... and happy holidays!