Isn't christianity stupid?Within the last year we had several mentions in threads (or whole threads) of particular stupid actions or thoughts of many many different people. For instance we had the two Germans who flew to Russia when they only wanted to go to the loo and many other instances often as input for song challenges. Recently we had severe criticism of some ideas and practices of the Taliban.
I don't remember reactions like 'Oh, one more German bashing thread' or 'another instance of ridiculing Muslims' in these instances. When a male German butcher of over 70 does something stupid and someone posts this here this is neither German bashing nor male bashing nor butcher bashing nor senior bashing.
And when one particular belief of a tiny fraction of christians is criticised this is not an attack on 'christianity' any more than a critique of one Taliban action or belief is a critique of the whole Muslim world.
Any reaction which does not take this difference into account is completely out of proportion. Usher's and many similar approaches to the age of the earth across many religions today can only serve as a source for amusement, in my eyes.