The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40340   Message #577997
Posted By: Irish sergeant
23-Oct-01 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Putting up a white flag
Subject: RE: BS: Putting up a white flag
The big problem again, is visibility. At a mile out, will tankers or riflemen be able to distinguish between a surrender flag and the Taliban flag? and given their propensities, I believe the Taliban is counting on that even if the flag was in use before September 11. Islamic countries would use the Red Crescent, however, the Red Cross is the sponsor of the relieve effort and I believe the Red Cross of the United States is heavily involved. In spite of their propoganda, this fight is not against Islam, nor is it against the people of Afghanistan. It is against the Taliban, Al Qeada and that toe jam eating bastard Osama Bin Laden. I spent enough time on the soap box, Time for my first cup of coffee. Kindest regards, Neil