The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39777   Message #579318
Posted By: Cllr
25-Oct-01 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments?
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments?
I note that I'm being called a flamer (more like troll if you want to be pedantic) and yet all I was doing was agreeing with a previous post. If my post provokes a response its more likley to be that as a tory my very existence is an affront to certain people. Thats not my problem, I don't have a problem with people having differing views to my own. I do have a problem with people using such viturprative language that has been used in this thread. It gets in the way of sensible discussion and brings it down to personalities in a very antagonistic way. On the folk scene many people have views slightly more left wing than my own 8-) but I have had many relaxed political discussions in folk clubs and at festivals. Respecting other people views is not the same as agreeing with them as some of the more tolerent leftwing posters on mudcat have shown.
