The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #57934
Posted By: Bill D
10-Feb-99 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............? really happened..#1..I was messing around with my autoharp, when a guy came by and stood and looked I sort of launched into "Wildwood Flower"...he listened and said, "I used to know a guy who played one of them things...he could play real melodies and everything..." really happened #2...I was sitting in a park near a volleyball game, watching and playing my autoharp...on the case was a bumpersticker which said--"Take an Autoharp Player Home to Dinner"...a girl came riding up on a bicycle and stopped and listened a minute, then sort of twisted her head to read the sticker...and then looked me in the eye and enquired..."What do you eat?"......I do not recall to this day what I said...