The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40465   Message #579773
Posted By: InOBU
25-Oct-01 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: for all who wish for war PART 2
Subject: RE: BS: for all who wish for war PART 2
One more thing, Sharon, I tend to intelectualize things, but Quakerism is also experiencial. One has to experieice the peace of a Quaker community to understand how and that it works. We aren't big on missonary work, which is why we are a rather small community of faith, but, if you are really interested, come to a few Quaker meetings, you may find you begin to understand through silence what you aren't convinced of through conversation. So, not to convert you or anyone, but drop by and see if it makes sence for you. Peace is a really joyous thing. I would suggest, being my own upbrining, going to what we call an unprogramed silent meeting, of late there is a trend towards Quaker meetings with preachers and such, which I don't really understand myself, but there you are, different tribes even among us...
I remember the moment when I was about 12 that I became convinced of the Quaker Peace testimony. It was a remarkable thing. As a kid growing up in a violent world, even Quaker kids don't often grow up being convinced of peace. I was in class, daydreaming as usual and suddunly it all just seemed right, I was absoultly overcome with a feeling of happyness and calm. I remember thinking, "why not?". So, there you are, have I never felt a violent moment since then, course not, do I have a better vission of what I feel is hope for the future, I am convinced.
Cheers, Larry