The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40514   Message #580389
Posted By: The_one_and_only_Dai
26-Oct-01 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Round - Come Follow Me
Subject: RE: Help! PartII - Folk songs info needed!
ROFL, friend BIABfsg, the 'system' here is "Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law". Threads > circa 100 posts start taking too long to load quickly, so generally somebody round off the old thread with an advisory and a link to the new thread, the first post being a link back to the old thread... if you see what I mean... This is just an adopted convention for convenience, rather than a rule, I didn't want to give the wrong impression.

Does this post mean I'm now a mudcatter? ;-)