The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #58103
Posted By: Barry Finn
11-Feb-99 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............?
Years ago I tried learning the guitar & was practicing & humming to myself & watching the sun set behind an island when this guys walks up, stops & askes if I'll play something, "nope, I just begining, don't know how","well can you sing a cowboy song"? I had a small part of one worked out so I says maybe I can do a little of this one.

"I'm a rambler, Lord I'm a gambler,
I'm a long way from my home
If the people they don't like me
They can leave my alone"

before I could get to:

"It's dark Lord & it's raining
And the moon gives off no light
My pony can't hardly travel
On this dark road at night"

He starts heading off, pissed, yelling "you don't know an Irish song from a *&%$# cowboy song". I couldn't help yelling after him if he'd have listened a bit more before being the ass he was he'd have figured out the difference. Barry. who's leary of doing perticular requests.