The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9068   Message #58147
Posted By: Cuilionn
11-Feb-99 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Songs about the Brahan Seer of Scotland?
Subject: RE: Any Songs about the Brahan Seer of Scotland?
I wish I kent mair aboot this, masel'...will be MAIST interestit tae see if onythin' turns up!!! Twa years back, a sma' circle o' folk on ma isle put taegither an evenin' o' Scottish sangs, tunes, dancin' an' vairse. A woman whae grew up near Inverness cam alang, an' she ended up daein' th' maist glorious bit o' storytellin' aboot Coinneach Odhar! On an warm april nicht in an auld wooden hall, wi' th' door open an' th' soond o' wee frogs peepin' ayont, she taud us th' prophet's story an' describit th' visions he saw thro' th' hole in his wee "faerie stone". Ilka bodie o' us wis leanin' for'ard in oor seats, rapt wi' attention an' fu' o' awe. I askit her aboot sources, an' she said th' piece she shared wis excerpted frae a play ane o' her friends wrocht back in Scotland. I askit her tae contact th' friend an' see if I cuid purchase a script, but then I left hame for schuil an' havenae haird back.

Kat, did ye get yer wee buik used? I'd love tae find a copy o' it for ma ainsel', an' want tae lairn mair aboot this maist extraordinary man! Post th' publisher's information, wuid ye?
