The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40561   Message #581537
Posted By: GUEST,Burke (not a fake)
28-Oct-01 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: mudcat law
Subject: RE: BS: mudcat law
"If I started a conversation with you would you hand me a recording of an old one before you are willing to talk?" --JtS

>>>This is a good and valid point and I have seen this, in attitude occur here. I can only reiterate that this is one of those things that arises out of the 'cat's dual nature--information and fellowship. I try to ignore it when it happens, but you are right, I feel squelched because my new take on an old event is not even being acknowledged before the putdown comes. It might soften the blow if it came more often in the form of "Hey, that's a good point.....I remember when we talked about that here *link*. I wonder what we said back then...hmmm.".--John

This goes to the heart of my pet peeve here. Those old threads can be interesting and informative. I did just put a link in a thread to one where I posted most of the facts I knew about a song. I don't want to go look it all up & write it all up again.

But, when it comes to opinions or feelings, I'd rather have a conversation. At lot of those old threads have participants who are no longer around & no matter how interesing what they said is, response if futile. I know working thoughts out on a subject can be time consuming, so if a person wants to link to what they said & maybe point out how this fits with their current thinking I guess I would not mind that either.

I think timing is part of it. A new thread on Songcatcher or Oh Brother a week after an old one is hardly needed, but maybe a couple of months later is different. It's like the relative sexiness of certain instruments. The thread was 1.5 years old. I'd rather see a new one with a link to the old, than a revival of the old one.

What I really don't understand is why some people are so reluctant to reiterate their opinions about some musical topics, but are endlessly willing to restate their opinions about what Max should do about the anonymous Guest or other problems. The how to fix Mudcat threads must be among the most frequent & one never sees a link to yesterday's. (ducking for cover)