The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40561   Message #581689
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
28-Oct-01 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: mudcat law
Subject: RE: BS: mudcat law
BS should always be taken as conversation unless otherwise specified. Please no more topics, No more "here's what to do when you see this." the learning curve is too steep already. Obviously I'm not asking that for myself but I remember how complicated this discussion group can feel.

CarolC's last post is an eloquent description of what I meant by wading through garbage.

I meant nothing personal to any one person in my comentary so please no one take it personally. I don't mind long winded posts as long as the concept of the paragraph is adhered to. (otherwise my 43 year old eyes start to blur around line 7).

Bob and others have shared my frustrations. I feel for those with thinner skins than ours.

I would submit that unless the subject is song lyrics or somthing equally easy to answer completely, that it is more polite simply to answer the question or allow someone else to. Of course some of the old threads back there are exceptional and deserve to be refreshed. In that case it is nice to do so and say why.

GUEST Burke, For questions other than song lyrics, and related, there are much more streamlined and thorough sources tham Mudcat discussion threads. When reading and encyclopaedia article I rarely see contributers competing for the best answer, correcting one another, or arcing off into conversations about farting, or cats. If someone is looking for straight answers this probably ain't the best place.

I think timing is part of it. A new thread on Songcatcher or Oh Brother a week after an old one is hardly needed, but maybe a couple of months later is different. It's like the relative sexiness of certain instruments. The thread was 1.5 years old. I'd rather see a new one with a link to the old, than a revival of the old one. Guest Burke

I see your point, but I wonder if some folks realize how arrogant and obnoxious it feels to have someone, in effect say. " I've already expressed MY opinion on this... click here."

I guess I'm just a little peeved about this and it is showing. But please folks, don't put "Mudcat Laws" ahead of manners. Just "Post on to others as you would have them post on to you."