The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40561   Message #581743
Posted By: Gary T
29-Oct-01 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: mudcat law
Subject: RE: BS: mudcat law
While this--"Post on to others as you would have them post on to you."--is a nice thing to say, it has limited practicality. Part of the problem is posting how YOU would like it done to YOU instead of posting how the OTHER(S) would like it done to THEM.

This--...I can't expect other people to read my mind, and I can't control what other people post to the threads I start.--and this--you starts your threads and you takes your chances.--strike me as pretty wise.

While few are intentionally rude or dismissive here, there are many different personal styles and expectations. I don't believe it's realistic to look for much change in that area. I think it's best to routinely give the benefit of the doubt as to people's intentions, and look for the best reasonable interpretation of other's words and actions.