The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40428   Message #582069
Posted By: SINSULL
29-Oct-01 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Help: Micca sightings:Where's the bugger now?
Subject: RE: Help: Micca sightings:Where's the bugger now?
Speaking of birds: word from New Hampshire is that a somewhat despondant flamingo layed two eggs this morning. One was accidentally scrambled into Curmudgeon's breakfast - Linn finished off the rum cake and bourbon balls with her morning coffee and the ...well. The second is carefully nestled into a tartan shawl while Miss Flossie sits quietly and anxiously upon it humming "My Lady Of The Darkness". The question is: "Will Micca do the right thing and make an honest flamingo of her or abandon her and her offspring to the bitter winter and sniggering locals?"
Time will tell.
SINSULL, trying to imagine what this poor little chickie will look like.