The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #58230
Posted By: Bill D
11-Feb-99 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............?
Bert...yep..I should have made that point too, I have known wonderful musicians who really were kind & tolerant and helpful...but, I must say, I have known the other kind, too...I know one or two good singers who simply do not attend ANY 'open' song circles anymore because they cannot tolerate average to mediocre performances...*sigh*..the thing is, you usually don't hear them say so...they are just not there. I guess that if one is good enough, he can usually be the star at a paying gig, or go to invitation only retreats and never have to tolerate the hoi polloi of folk music.

But since this thread is called..."don't you hate it when..." ..I HATE it when they come back from invitation only weekends and drop names and make references to how wonderful and exclusive it was...