The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9068   Message #58241
Posted By: Cuilionn
11-Feb-99 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: Songs about the Brahan Seer of Scotland?
Subject: RE: Any Songs about the Brahan Seer of Scotland?
Kat, muckle thanks for th' offer, an' I'll tak ye up on it! E-mail me wi' yir mailin' address an' I'll send ye aff reimbursement for shippin' an' handlin' an' sic. Cannae wait tae eddicate masel' a bittie mair!!!

I restrict masel' tae ain used buik shop, ance a month, since ma literary hunger far ootstrips th' amoont o' siller in ma purse, sae th' chance o' ma findin' it here is nae sae guid. Th' rumor frae th' intimmers o' is that th' place is a sweatshop, sae I cannae get buiks frae them until I find oot th' trowth o' th' rumor...which is a dreadfu' shame, since they seem like sic a grait resource!

Regardin' ma screen name, 'tis th' Gaelic waird for th' holly bush, relatit tae th' Cornish "kelyn" an' th' Auld Irish "culenn". Th' claisest I can come tae showin' th' correct pronounciation is "COOL-yun" or "COOL-iun." Th' sound is sairt o' betwixt those twa. If ye were tae refer tae a holly tree, th' form wuid change a bit tae "craobh chuilinn." (craobh bein' th' waird for tree, which ye say summat like "creuv".)

Accordin' tae ma Gaelic taicher, th' main thing tae keep in mind when ye're speakin'--oor singin'--Gaelic is that ye maun ne'er stop breathin'. Och, aye, that sounds like a jest, but 'tis th' trowth, for Gaelic disnae hae "glottal stops" or places whaur ye stop th' flow o' air tae mak a sound. Sae when ye come tae a difficult gaitherin' o' letters, "breathin' intae" them will almaist allus get ye claiser tae th' richt sound. --Cuilionn (e-mail: "")

P.S. I love th' seer's Gaelic name! It cuid be renderit as "th' wizard o' th' dappled moss," or "th' seer of th' sallow bog," amang ither possibilities...