The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40428   Message #582947
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
31-Oct-01 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Help: Micca sightings:Where's the bugger now?
Subject: RE: Help: Micca sightings:Where's the bugger now?
Er... Animaterra....? Isn't it time for your medication?

(Luckily) Micca was still jet/festival lagged when he appeared on my doorstep with Chanteyranger, so I was spared the worst.... however, he did tell me about the flamingo, and I sincerely hope he'll do the honest thing.... I'll stand Godparent if you need me to....

And he did deliver vast quantities of chocolate, from my American friends, for which I thank you from the bottom of my stomach!!

Chanty is charming and should already be on a train to Victoria to pick up the Gatwick express to wing his way homewards.... he also drank vast quantities of water.... hope there's a cloakroom on the train.....