The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #58335
Posted By: Bill D
12-Feb-99 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............?
Barbara Shaw...well, in my area (east coast USA) there is the "Indian Neck" weekend..occasionally called "Snot Hollow" by both the invited and the un-invited..there are a couple more which don't have quite the 'aura' as Indian Neck. I know a number of people who go to these, and some take GREAT pains not to make those who do not go feel left out...and some who make sure you ARE aware of who is in the inner circle and who is not.

As in any groups anywhere, membership in elite clubs or 'circles' in based both on talent and politics, and there are amazing undercurrents of gossip, resentment, cameraderie, happiness, sharing, exclusion...etc...going on all the time. I have never aspired to, or fretted about, my 'status' much...but I do hate it when I become aware of ill feelings. I go to lots of nice things, and it is just not worth worrying whether someone has a party and doesn't invite me!

( I probably should not have even said THIS much in print, but most of us know that the situation is real....and unavoidable)