The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9029   Message #58392
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Feb-99 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Don't you just hate it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just Hate It When..............?
Hey Sandy...I think what made the sneeze so bad was my own stupidity. The hospital went to great lengths with pamphlets and videos and the like to explain what to do when you coughed. I even had to demonstrate the pillow to chest thing for a nurse. So when I coughed post surgery, it hurt like hell, but I felt I was doing a good job ... I could be a model for their tape. Real smug, you know? It never occurred to me until about half a second before I sneezed that if a cough was bad, and it was, what the hell was this going to be? It's amazing how many thoughts your brain can process in half a second, and how slow your body responds!

And Art...I hate to admit it but that bunch was good. I'm a little surprised that you didn't mention that every penile institution has a special section for those who have been condomed to death. And, since they followed his wishes, do you wonder how many times Lee Hays has "passed through" this life since he died?
