The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40606   Message #583951
Posted By: Mr Red
01-Nov-01 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Double Entendre Anyone?
Subject: RE: Double Entendre Anyone?
Marie Lloyd had to change her words because of a court case brought by the censor. I think she "squats among the collieflowers & leeks" was the exact result and it went unchallenged. Giok
The song about a buckle would be a bit more understandable if the fact that in meadieval times buckle was a euphemism for er..... well lets just say it was somewhat graphic. The rolling-up of a sleeve then falls into place - (entendre intended!)
The cellist and the conductor and the "God's greatest gift to man" was Tommy Beacham and er......... my memory fails me but it was Gladys XXXXX.
Max Miller - he was full of them, so obvious often that he got more laughs by finding ways of coming up with an alternative punchline that was mildly funny in itself but funnier still because he got the surprise AND two jokes in one hit.
No Fiolar we don't know that particular joke can you tell us the punchline please. **pained innocence**